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Healee offers admin users a reporting area that encompasses diverse data types related to patients, payments, consultations, ratings, and more. The data is categorized into different tabs based on its nature and some tabs include data filters as well as an export option.


The list displays separate rows for each message thread between one or more patients and practitioners. Admins can search by the specialist’s name and the threads are ordered chronologically with the most recent messages on top. Clicking the “Details” tab in an individual row reveals each individual message sent by the respective participant in the thread as well as the timestamp of that message. The actual text of the messages is encrypted and not visible to admins, only the content of the system/default messages is. The admin can also check the devices that the chat participants have used to send messages from.

There are three different tags that a row can be assigned:

  • Conversation - once both sides have exchanged messages
  • Not seen - the patient has sent a message but the practitioner has not opened their message thread yet
  • Waiting answer - the patient has sent a message but the practitioner has not responded yet


The setup is currently triggered by completed payment entries unlike the “Feed” tab where payment is not a factor. Admins can filter by time period and also export the viewable data in a .csv format. In a similar manner to the “Feed” dashboard, the “Details” action opens up the entire thread and all messages therein.

There are various tags that a row can be assigned:

  • Cancelled
  • Conversation - once both sides have exchanged messages
  • Concluded - the practitioner has sent some type of medical advice (“diagnosis”, “medical advice”, “prescription” from the below list)
  • Diagnosis - the practitioner has sent a diagnosis
  • Medical advice - the practitioner has sent medical advice in the form of a free-text field
  • Prescription - the practitioner has sent an e-prescription
  • Recommendation for in-person specialist visit - the practitioner has sent a recommendation in the chat that the patient should book an in-person visit as their consultation cannot be done online
  • Rejected - the patient has rejected a payment request sent by the practitioner in the thread
  • Request - the practitioner has sent a payment request and the patient needs to accept/reject it
  • Waiting answer - the patient has sent a message but the practitioner has not responded yet

The yellow numbers sitting within any of the given tabs (e.g. Converation, Awaiting answer, Cancelled...) highlight the number of consultations with the corresponding status from the past 2 weeks.

Calls durations

This dashboard aggregates the total audio or video call durations per practitioner for a given time period. Admins can search by a specific practitioner name and/or filter down to a custom time period.


The list displays all practitioners in the platform (verified or non-approved), their current status, rating (in the telehealth app) and their set price. Admins can also change/overwrite each individual practitioner’s away/availability status.


This refers to the ratings in the telehealth app only, if these have been enabled. Each row represents an individual rating left by a patient as well as the average and number of ratings overall for the specific practitioner.


This tab aggregates the total payment amount per consultations (booked or otherwise) per practitioner over a given period of time. Тhe admin can search by a particular practitioner’s name and select a custom time period. The number of consultations and the total amount are displayed in the respective columns. The data is exportable in a .csv format.

Payment items​

This dashboard displays the individual payments (for booked appointments, in-thread requests sent by the practitioner and voucher payments). Admins can search by practitioner name, set a default time period and also review which patient has paid, what the total amount was, what amount was paid to the specialist (this might be different from the total paid by the patient if there is a commission %) as well as the type of payment. The data is exportable in a .csv format.


The list displays all voucher codes created in the platform, how many times they have been utilized, what their total usage limit is, and when their expiration date is, if any has been set. It is exportable in a .csv format.