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Medical advice & diagnosis

Practitioners in the telehealth app have the possibility to draft medical advice documents (treatment plans, conclusions, e-prescriptions, etc.), and save them as ready-made templates for future use. These documents are easily edited and stored in their profilе. Once a certain document has been saved as a template, it can be reused as many times as the practitioner wishes and it can also be sent to any of their patients.

  • Define diagnosis
  • Write free text
  • Prescribe medications
  • Recommend an in-person specialist visit
  • I cannot help

If payment has been processed through the platform and there is a hold on the patient’s card, the amount will only be charged if the practitioner sends medical advice (i.e. goes down the "define diagnosis", "write free text" or "prescribe medications" path). The other two options will reimburse the amount


Define diagnosis - this is the longest flow with both medical advice and e-prescription steps:

  • Fill in patient data (some or all of it would auto-populate)
  • Type diagnosis name & condition
  • Prescribe treatments - choose specific medications and their dosage
  • Determine follow-up:
    • The “Yes” option opens up a free-text field where practitioners can type the proposed period for follow-up
    • The “No” option leads to a new page, asking the practitioner whether they want to discharge the patient
  • Preview page before sending it over to the patient in the message thread

Once completed, the saved diagnosis/e-prescription will be saved and visible in the message thread to both the practitioner and the patient.


If the diagnosis is not completed but the practitioner decides to save it for later rather than discarding it, a banner will be displayed to the practitioner at the top of the message thread that there is “advice in progress” and they can resume it at any point.

Write free text

Similar to the second page of the diagnosis flow, this is a one-page flow where the practitioner manually enters the medical diagnosis and sends it off.

Prescribe medications

This is the e-prescription engine of Healee, which might be substituted by a third-party integration with Dosespot for particular replicas. The Healee flow consists of the following steps:

  • Fill in patient data (some or all of it will auto-populate)
  • Prescribe treatments - choose specific medications and their dosage

Recommend an in-person specialist visit

This one-page flow includes a free-text field with pre-populated verbiage that the practitioner can change before sending.

I cannot help

Similar to the above, the practitioner can edit the default text in the free-text field and also decide whether they want to discharge the patient or not as a next step.

Other than the above, practitioners can also share diagnoses with their patients. The steps and the document layout are very similar to the medical advice. However when sending a diagnosis, the practitioner is always asked whether a follow-up is required. If yes, they need to set the timings for the next consultation, and if not, they can complete the record without further detailing.