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Email notifications

Healee offers out-of-the-box automated email notifications that revolve around the telehealth and scheduling components of the platform. The default wording of these templates can be easily changed from the admin for both patient- and practitioner-facing notifications. The branding reflects the replica branding styles and logo. Patients, practitioners and clinics can turn on or off some of these notifications.

Add a new template

Admins can either manually create a template in the panel or import one:

  1. “Add email template” - by clicking the button in the top-right corner.

  2. “Import” - by clicking the “Actions” and three dots option in the top-right corner and selecting “Import”. A valid .json file needs to be used.


Importing already existing templates will result in an error, as the template ID's are unique and will not overwrite the existing ones.

New template view

When adding a new template from the dedicated button in the interface (i.e. “Add email template”), the admin's screen will be split in two:

  • Preview screen on the left
  • Editor area on the right

In the “editor” tab there are three panels:

  • Content - features the different content sections (e.g. title, greeting, introduction)
  • Details - displays the main properties of the template (e.g. subject, template name, role, type)
  • Advanced - features any hard-coded variables (e.g. logo, banner, footer)

A language button will be displayed above the section but only if the current replica has any other language than English active. Changing the language changes the email template content language.

Manage template


The section names are marked with {{{ }}} brackets to match the template code expression name in the “Advanced” tab.


Here admins can edit the following features:

  • Subject - appears as the subject on the email when sent; valid only for regular templates.
  • Template name - shows in the "email templates" view; changing the name will update the template name on the page as well.
  • Role - which user group will receive this template (patients, specialists/practitioners, clinics). If left as “none”, it would mean it can be used for any audience.
  • Type - there are three categories:
    • “base” stands for a frame of regular templates and contains the basic elements such as logo, header, footer, styles and other shared information; they do not have a subject or base template ID
    • “partial” - used as repeatable bits of information that can appear in emails & contain elements that can be reused in regular templates; they do not have a subject
    • “regular” - the actual emails that are sent to end users
  • Base template ID - means the base template to be used for a current template. Changing or removing the content of the field will result in changes in the live preview.


Admins can edit the email template in HTML mode. Clicking it hides the live preview on the left and shows the template code editor in its place. Making changes inside the template code editor will automatically update the live preview. On the right admins will see two options:

  • Template ID field - input field with the template ID which is used in email sending
  • Variables - global variables that are present and can be used inside any template

Clicking a variable copies its name to the user's clipboard.

There are also three options within the “Actions” menu in the top-right corner:

  • Send test email - clicking it opens a pop-up window with an input field where the admin can add an email address, which will be the recipient of the test email.
  • Duplicate - creates a new email with the same title + "(copy)".
  • Delete - erases the email template. There is no archive and once deleted, the template cannot be restored from the database.

Template options

Once an admin have successfully added or imported a new template, they can find it in the main list. By clicking the three dots to the right of a specific template, they will open up a drop-down menu with five options:

  • Send test email - clicking it opens a pop-up window where the admin can input the email that you want to use for testing. It will default to their registered email but they can change that.
  • Edit - opens the edit template view.
  • Duplicate - creates an almost identical copy of the template with a different name and id (current name + "(copy)").
  • Export - exports the selected template only and saves the file in a .json format to your device.
  • Delete - erases the email template. There is no archive and once deleted, the template cannot be restored from the database.

“Edit” view

Admins can also click the name of an individual template, which will bring them to the “edit” screen or they can access this feature from the three dots to the right of the row (see above).

Selecting a specific email will open up the same screen as when adding a new template from the panel with the:

  • Email preview screen on the left
  • Editor area on the right

Search & Export

Admins will find all default email templates from the telehealth and booking apps in the “Email templates” panel. The search bar allows the user to find a specific template by its name and/or they can use the filters to the right, which include:

  • Types - base, partial, regular
  • Roles - patient, specialist (= practitioner), clinic

Admins can also export all templates created in the database in a .json format. This action will automatically create a file and save it to their device.

Default email templates

This is a non-exhaustive list of emails received by end users, patients or providers:

  • Account creation & validation - sent to all patients and practitioners upon registration
  • Booked/rescheduled/cancelled appointment - each of these actions triggers an email noting the update
  • Payment reminder - sent when the patient has made a booking that requires pre-payment
  • Payment receipt - sent to the patient upon each payment made in the platform
  • Appointment reminder - sent twice prior to the appointment (the day before and the same day)
  • New messages notification - when there are unread messaged in the app
  • Review reminder - prompts the patient to leave a review following a consultation
  • Prescription - whenever a practitioner or patient sends a prescription to the email via the app
  • Exported data - patients can export their data via their account settings